• Full Consultation

    Let's get you feeling amazing again

  • Full Consultation

    You have some symptoms or you may already have a diagnosis with a condition

    You are ready to start feeling healthy - NOW


    Constipation, Diarrhea, Burping, Wind, IBS, Bloating, Crohn’s Disease, IBD, Ulcerative Colitis, Candida Albicans, Allergies / Intolerances, PMT, Menopause, PCOS, Endometriosis, Thyroid Dysfunction, Adrenal or any other hormonal issues.

    What we will disscuss

  • Symptoms and Systems Review 

    Digestive, hormonal, energy, and immune function are assessed. This is done with the use of a pre-consultation questionnaire and a discussion in one of the clinics on the day of your appointment


    Medical History and Timeline

    Using tools such as the timeline helps to identify triggers for certain symptoms and documents what symptoms started and when


    Food Diary and Nutrient Tracker 

    Talking through your typical daily diet, food likes and dislikes will allow us to build a complete picture of possible nutrient deficiencies and their impact on your current symptoms


    Possible testing options

    Testing is not always necessary but often reveals very valuable information, which can provide the missing link in cases, which have previously been unexplained.

    Betty will also be using new technology in her clinic - click the video to find out more


    Personalised Treatment Plan

    Betty will create a Personalised Treatment Plan which will take into account your health goals.

    This will advise you on the correct foods to eat and avoid, supplements to take, and lifestyle action to include in your daily routine.


    You will receive a plan that will work for you!

    Full Consultation- What you will receive:

    3 body scan's as mentioned above in the video that will include :

    ( With a Pdf report's that will be generated on the day )
    This is will scan for :
    Organ function
    Vitamin & Mineral deficiency
    Detoxification system
    Mental & Emotional stress

    Environmental stressors
    Immune system
    Hormonal & Endocrine system
    Gastrointestinal system
    Food Intolerance 450 different types
    ...and much more.


    What you will receive after your 1 hour consultation:


    Personalised Treatment Plan

    Betty will create a Personalised Nutritional Plan which will take into account your health goals.

    This will advise you on the correct foods to eat and avoid, supplements to take and lifestyle action to include into your daily routine.


    7 Day Meal Planner - Simple, wholesome, easy and delicious recipes


    Cupboard list - Essential food items to stock your cupboards


    Support – Betty will be there to answer any question that you may have


    Accountability - Betty will keep you on the straight and narrow. She will be able to guide you on the right path.


    €150- Adults


    €120 - Children under 16 ( suitable for all ages )

    Questionnaire and Deposit are for clients that have made an appointment - please do not fill out if you have no appointment

    Please note Treatment Plan's will take 2 working day to be created and email to you.